Like any home or business, a church with a beautiful outdoor space is more inviting and noticeable in a community.

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Five Tips to Boost Your Church’s Curb Appeal

Five Tips to Boost Your Church’s Curb Appeal

Like any home or business, a church with a beautiful outdoor space is more inviting and noticeable in a community. Curb appeal can help a church increase its congregation, and draw community members in for special events. Gardens and pathways can also be lovely places for contemplation or outdoor bible study sessions.

However, a church with only a mowed lawn and a sign or two might be less impactful. If your church community is looking to upgrade its outdoor space, try the following tips to boost your curb appeal and beckon new members.

Rethink Your Gardens

Flowers and plants give a church entrance color and fragrance and make the property look well-loved and welcoming. Try incorporating flowers and herbs that are symbolic in Christianity, such as roses, lilies, or sage. Gardens will also attract friendly visitors, like butterflies and hummingbirds.

Give the Building a Good Scrub

Over the years, churches can develop a layer of grime that is easy to forget about. Try power washing the walls, sidewalks, and doors for a fresh glow. You can even hire professionals for cleaning church steeples. Church steeples can also be repaired or replaced if your building is old and in need of restoration. You’ll be amazed at how welcoming your building looks after the windows are washed, the steeple is fixed, and the sidewalks have been freshly cleaned!

Design an Outdoor Gathering Space

If there is room in your budget, creating an outdoor gathering space can transform the way your congregation worships. A small garden with a few used church pews is a beautiful place for reflection, reading, or gathering for prayer. Add a water feature or trees for shade, and your space will quickly become a favorite for members of all ages.

Create a Maintenance Schedule

After you’ve updated your landscape, make a schedule for who will maintain the lawn and building. You can appoint a specific person to handle landscaping duties, or have church members take turns caring for the space.

Try New Lighting Techniques

With the right outdoor lighting, a church can look beautiful both day and night. Lit church steeples become a nighttime beacon in a community, and a bright entryway will create a warm glow for your evening sermons or Christmas Eve service.

According to Gallup, 68% of Americans said they attend church services at least occasionally. With a beautiful outdoor space, you might help increase that number and invite new members to join your church community. For more information about how to restore your church property to its former beauty, contact Kivett’s today.

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