Kivett’s Church Steeple Maintenance Program is available to all churches regardless of steeple manufacturer.

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Steeple Maintenance

Steeple Maintenance

Our team at Kivett’s would like to take this opportunity to offer your church our Steeple Maintenance Program.  Although we manufacture a high quality church steeple, which requires only minimum maintenance, we know that everything demands some maintenance to retain its beauty and durability. Because a steeple is located in an awkward place and is not easily accessible to church members, it is usually difficult to find someone in the community willing to climb onto the church roof with ladders; it is a hazardous job.

We can help you and eliminate this problem through our Church Steeple Maintenance Program.  During a visit to your church, our skilled technicians will inspect your steeple for leakage, secure anchor bolts that may have loosened due to weather conditions, and re-caulk and seal any visible cracks. We will wash and wax the exterior of your steeple to maintain its “new look”.

With such consecutive annual inspections, you can extend the life of your steeple, giving your church many more years of service. The Church Steeple Maintenance Program is based on consecutive annual renewals.

If you enroll in the program initially (at the time of installation), you will receive a yearly inspection.  By detecting problems early, you can eliminate costly repairs. Through this program, we know you can prolong the life of your steeple, retard deterioration and protect the exterior finish. Kivett’s Church Steeple Maintenance Program is available to all churches regardless of steeple manufacturers. To learn more about our church steeple maintenance program, call us at (800) 334-1139 or contact us online!

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Kivett’s Steeple Maintenance

At Kivett’s, we like to think of ourselves as the Steeple people. And yes, while that’s just one part of church furniture, (and yes, we work with virtually every kind of church furniture) steeple maintenance is something our customers love us for. It’s one of those things about church furniture maintenance that’s easy to forget, ignore or undertake. Thankfully, at Kivett’s we take care of every aspect of steeple maintenance so you don’t have to worry about it. 

Do you build new steeples?

Yes, we do! We offer pre-designed church steeples to our clients all over the country. If you’re interested in installing a brand new steeple for your church, check out all the models we offer, with detailed advantages for each one. We handle everything from fabrication based on your specifications, to installation, service and maintenance.

Speaking of, what if my church just needs steeple maintenance?

Whether or not your steeple was manufactured at Kivett’s or not, we know how to extend all church furniture life. Our technicians will visit your church and work around your availability and schedule. We’ll ensure there are no cracks or leakages, we’ll fix any weather damage or discoloration and ensure everything is in order. We’ll even wash the exterior and give it a nice coat of wax to ensure it looks brand new all year long, no matter what the weather outside is like.

steeple in need of maintenance

Can I just do the steeple maintenance myself?

Our strong recommendation is usually not to try and go about church steeple maintenance yourself. Unlike church furniture like pews or chairs, steeples aren’t easy to get to. Moreover, because of their unique shape, it’s tough to simply put up a tall ladder and do the maintenance. It also can be hazardous since steeples tend to be the highest point of the edifice. In our professional opinion, steeple maintenance is something best left to the experts.

Is steeple maintenance… steep?

Great question, but no. The steeples manufactured by Kivett’s usually require minimal maintenance, so you’re anyway off to a good start. Having said that, if you sign up for our annual maintenance program, you should be covered for any concerns you have. Of course, if our maintenance checks reveal any need for repairs, we’ll run it by you and work with you to ensure the costs are minimum.

Why should I sign up for the yearly maintenance program?

As with any church furniture, early detection of damage is the best way to ensure minimal repair costs. It’s also the safest option since our team of experts have plenty of time to alert you of any immediate or urgent repairs needed. Our annual maintenance program should be plenty to stay on top of steeple maintenance.

church steeple raleigh north carolina

Where can I learn more?

You can join our steeple maintenance program by calling our toll free number at (800) 334-1139 or our local number (910) 529-0161 if you’re in North Carolina. You’re welcome to stop by and look at our wide variety of church pews, chairs and other furniture too.

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