Whether you’re refurbishing your old church or drawing up plans for a new one, there are three vital features that no church should go without.

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3 Features No Church Should Go Without

3 Features No Church Should Go Without

Whether you’re refurbishing your old church or drawing up plans for a new one, there are three vital features that no church should go without.

Before you invite your worshipers to bask in the glory of your halls, rely on these factors to make your church feel invigorated.

1. A Church Steeple

Modern day churches have veered away from the beauty of a church steeple, but these classic church features are more than just a component in traditional architecture. The steeple signifies that the church is the closest place to connect with God and heaven. Because the structure strikes upwards, reaching toward the sky, it symbolizes the attempts for human to strive toward godliness and form a relationship with our creator.

This classic meaning still rings true in modern churches. If you’re thinking about striking a steeple from your church, engage in steeple repair to exemplify your church’s mission.

2. A Baptismal Pool

A portable baptismal pool isn’t the first feature that pops into your head when you begin to build your church. However, this essential feature is more than necessary for your congregation. Relying on a portable option assures that you can cater to a variety of members and their needs within your congregation.

3. Quality Church Pews

Did you know that church pews were not permanent features a church structure until the protestant reformation in the 16th century? Since then, they have become staples, whether permanent antique church pews are installed or you rely on removable second hand church pews. Your congregation deserves to have a comfortable seating arrangement that offers ample views of the altar.

When you choose the best pews for your church, you should always take the needs of your congregation into account. As such, you should try to choose church pews with cushioned seating to ascertain that every member of your church will feel comfortable, especially during days of longer worship. You should also include wheelchair accessible seating with ample room for folks with disabilities. Contact Kivett’s when you have questions regarding the layout of your church pews.

Rely on the best church restoration company around by calling Kivett’s today. When you need used church supplies, steeple repair, or church pew restoration, our team of professionals will work hard to ensure your needs are met. Contact us today for more information on our inventory and services.

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